online learning

have a


to tell

To have a core purpose & personal narrative has never been more important and more relevant than it is in the world today. A philosophy about individual competencies, abilities, self-belief & perpetual movement. A way of discovering and rediscovering yourself to be empowered, liberated & future fit.



This bird is a powerful symbol depicted in my logo as a metaphor for Future Fitness and personal liberation. These birds feed on insects that they get by walking on Water Lilly leaves and other plant material floating around. The leaves they walk on almost immediately sink under their weight. This does not pose a problem to them though…the moment that the leaves start to sink these birds simply lift their big feet and move to the next leaf. They do this continuously!

The African Jacana has worked out a universal truth, which applies to us as well, in that you cannot find any security or permanence in any system, structure, or organisation. The only security they have is in their competencies, abilities, self-belief, and perpetual movement.

If we long to be the champions of this new, ever-changing, and super dynamic world we had better learn from the Jacana. We must individually and collectively accept that security can only be found in courageously moving into new territory. Like them, we must maximise every leaf that we are on and continuously look out for the next idea, system, and product.








The Engagement Alphabet

One of my favourite authors, David Whyte, writes in his amazing book “Crossing the Unknown Sea: Work as a pilgrimage of identity”: “Any perspective is dearly won. Maturity and energy in our work is not granted freely to human beings but must be adventured and discovered, cultivated,

and earned. It is the result of application, dedication, an indispensable sense of humour, and above all a never-ending courageous conversation with us, those with whom we work, and those whom we serve. It is a long journey; it calls on both the ardours of youth and the perspectives of a longer view. It is achieved through a lifelong pilgrimage.”

The COVID-19 Pandemic pushed the reset button for billions of people around the world. Many millions of us were forced to stop the way we lived, worked, and planned our lives. For some, the work and efforts of a lifetime were wiped away. Nothing left to show after all the input. In more sense than one we are left with a clean slate, tabula rasa, an empty piece of paper. An incredibly terrifying experience, but also sobering. It represents an opportunity to reassess what is important in our lives as we reset our compass and embark on the journey again. It affords us the opportunity to reimagine our dreams and purpose and then to align them with our goals. So, I wrote a simple and hopefully practical little book on how we can re-engage again. It is a guide and workbook designed to empower the reader to rethink her purpose and life’s journey.