A little “Philosophy Therapy”
A little “Philosophy Therapy” Sometimes one can find incredible value from one single passage in a book. One of those paragraphs you simply must read a couple of times. The density and weight of its content like mercury in a bottle. It may be small in size but the substance, the very nature of the…
Life as Art
Life is Art We all need a little inspiration at the start of a new year. I got more than just a little inspiration from an unexpected source. During the holidays I read Barry Katz’s biography “Herbert Marcuse & the Art of Liberation” published in 1982. Now, I am not a Marxist or a Communist,…
The Marikana massacre, labour and capitalism: towards a Ricoeurian alternative
Introduction The Marikana massacre refers to the events of 11 to 16 August 2012 at the Lonmin Mine at Marikana where 44 people lost their lives, more than 70 were injured, approximately 250 people were arrested and millions of rands of property damaged. These events were preceded by a wage dispute between worker unions and…
Personal Branding: The need for a courageous conversation.
Personal Branding: The need for a courageous conversation. The great British philosopher Bertrand Russell wrote the following in 1916 during the First world War: “To all who are capable of new impressions and fresh thought, some modification of former beliefs and hopes has been brought by the war. What the modification has been has depended,…
A response to the Covid-19 pandemic: Riding out the perfect
An old friend of mine recently remarked that he feels that he is battling through the eye of a perfect storm. He then requested me to do a talk on resilience and coping skills for his employees at his small business. What do you say to people today; how do you inspire them? From an…